Wednesday 5 May 2010

an unwanted birthday present

I started this election blog hoping to be able to vote for something positive, and it has been hard to find anyone with a positive message. The only definite message from all the main parties has been the public sector will have to pay for the bankers' balls up. The main difference is how soon and how deeply the cuts will come...the only options being offered seems to be a choice between being shot now or gradually strangled. Personally, I was brought up to take responsibility for my actions (you make a mess, you clear it up). It's a shame that those in the financial markets do not have the same morality.

On the local leaflet front, this evening we received a personally addressed letter from Chris Leslie (as did everyone else on the electoral register I presume) asking us to vote Labour tomorrow. Apart from the expected warning about the damage that the tories could do, there was a short list of some of the Labour achievements - introducing the minimum wage and banning of hunting with hounds being two that are close to my heart. A positive reminder of their achievements.

We also had another leaflet through the door yesterday but I never got to see it. UKIP's leaflet didn't make it on to the stack to be read but was torn up and binned as soon as Sonia saw it. I get the feeling that they haven't got her vote.

I am fairly sure how I will vote tomorrow. My main hope is that I do not get a repeat of my 17th birthday in 1979...the next day the voters of the UK made Thatcher Prime Minister. Please, do not give me a similar present for my 48th birthday.

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