Tuesday 13 April 2010

another candidate appears

We have another candidate in Nottingham East, an independent called Benjamin Barton according to yournextmp.com. I've googled the name and come up with two possibilities in the UK...

The first person of that name (and the most likely) is the Benjamin Barton who made the local (and national) press for being fined for littering throwing a fag end down a drain because the bins were full. Story from the Nottingham Evening Post of 2nd Dec 09 here

The second person (and probably not the candidate) is the Benjamin Barton from this story: "Student broke into mortuary with axe to find woman he loved"

Either would make an interesting candidate.

Meanwhile Labour rumble on towards picking their candidate according to the NEP with a shortlist of 9 announced. Being a local paper, the Evening Post story only names the 3 local councillors who are on the list. Apparently the NEC will pick the candidate after interviews tomorrow. At this rate they might just get a name on some leaflets by 7th May.

On the national scene, the tory manifesto has been launched and is a hardback booklet "An invitation to join the Government of Britain". A cynic might comment that "It's amazing what  some tax free money from Belize can buy you (as well as the election)". As for being invited to join the government, call me old fashioned but I thought that was what we elected MPs to do.

In what looks to me like a bit of news management, the tory manifesto has been knocked off the top of the news by Alan Sugar making a £400,000 donation to the Labour Party.

Other manifestos launched yesterday included UKIP and the Communist Party.

Meanwhile, no new leaflets through the door...

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